Clintonville Schools

While Clintonville is a part of Columbus City Schools, as a distinct and unique neighborhood on its own we’ve compiled the information about the schools serving the area so that parents considering the Clintonville neighborhood can judge the Columbus City Schools (CCS) on the actual schools their children would attend, as opposed to Columbus Schools as a whole.

Clintonville is located north of downtown Columbus, between the Ohio State University and Worthington, Ohio. It has four elementary schools (Clinton, Indianola Informal, Colerain, and Indian Springs), one middle school (Dominion), and one high school (Whetstone High School). The neighborhood is home to several private schools as well, information on the private schools are available here.

The CCS schools in Clintonville serve an average of 3,100 students. The elementary schools serve Clintonville students nearly exclusively, the middle and high schools serve children who attended other elementary schools as well.

The CCS schools serving Clintonville also offer some special programs such as the Indianola Informal alternative program with students in K-8 having OSU teaching students assisting in the classroom and cooperative learning and unique opportunities for family involvement. Dominion Middle School participates in a Hearing-Impaired mainstreaming initiative and has been recognized by the state for its innovative Wellness programs. Whetstone High School has received a bronze medal from US News & World Report Magazine as one of the nation’s top high schools, and has won additional recognition for areas such as the robotics team and writing program.

Interested in the Ohio Department of Education report cards for these schools? They are available on the ODE website and we suggest researching the individual schools, as Columbus City Schools is a very large district and the data and results vary from school to school. Or, you can do some additional research on the Greatschools website.

To set up a time to tour a school or to get more information on the schools serving Clintonville, please call Columbus City Schools at the main switchboard (614) 221-FACT and contact the district directly. Below are a list of CCS schools and websites for the individual schools.